Kay Allison

This Award-Winning Entrepreneur and Executive Coach Challenges the AA Model and Provides a Powerful Alternative for Successful, Sober-Curious Women

FREMONT, CA, UNITED STATES, February 23, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — Kay Allison, award-winning entrepreneur, in-demand innovation consultant, and nationally-known sobriety leader and has released her latest book “Juicy AF* (*Alcohol-Free): Stop The Drinking Spiral. Create Your Future” on January 10, 2023 (Lionshead Publishing; $15.99).

“The purpose of this book is to help sober-curious and alcohol-free women unlock their potential and amplify their success,” says Allison. “While we think alcohol takes the edge off of our anxiety, drinking actually increases anxiety. I’m motivated by helping women cut the cord to the anchor of alcohol that drains away our energy and our aliveness, even when our drinking isn’t technically a ‘problem.’”

In Juicy AF* (*Alcohol-Free): Stop The Drinking Spiral. Create Your Future, Allison redefines what it takes to be alcohol-free. Contrary to what 12-step programs espouse it does NOT require labeling yourself an alcoholic, admitting complete defeat, or believing in God.

Sharing her expertise, Allison provides readers with the idea that being sober doesn’t have to equal “so boring” and quitting drinking doesn’t require being an alcoholic. Instead going alcohol-free is the opportunity to redirect our energy into creating our ideal future selves and living in ever-expanding waves of abundance and joy.

Allison recounts how after going alcohol-free, her income increased by a multiple of 6, she met and married the man she’s still crazy about after 22 years, adopted a child, founded three successful businesses, traveled the world, and moved to her dream town.

In her unique, direct, humorous, and f-bomb-laden style, Allison uses storytelling and spiritual laws to guide readers to assess whether or not their drinking is in line with their ideal selves and how to tap into the invisible yet powerful Spiritual Laws of the Universe to transform themselves and their lives. Laws including:

What you think on grows
The law of substitution
Actions first, feelings follow
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Juicy AF* (*Alcohol-Free): Stop The Drinking Spiral. Create Your Future. Features concepts, personal stories, and concrete actions that readers can apply directly to their own lives.

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About Kay Allison

Kay Allison went alcohol-free in 1999 when her life as a SVP of a global ad agency and a good mom could not sustain her drinking habit. After going alcohol-free, she went on to increase her income by a multiple of 6, met and married a man she’s still nuts for 22 years later, adopted a child, wrote two books, traveled the world, and moved to her dream town. She’s helped Fortune 200 companies create their next $100 million platforms, become an adjunct professor at Northwestern University, and started and sold a snack food company.

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Lioncrest publishing is an elite publishing division of Scribe Media. Lioncrest is a modern publishing company dedicated to the needs of authors and the books they love to write. By combining the unfettered access of self-publishing with production, design, and marketing standards that exceed even Big 6 publishing houses, the Lioncrest model puts the power in authors’ hands and the lion’s share of book profits in their pockets. Where they belong.

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