The Conservation Corps of Long Beach unveils its new Environmental Education Center.

Event will take place on Wednesday, October 26, 2022, 5 p.m.

LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA, USA, October 10, 2022 / — Please join Executive Director and CEO Dan Knapp
of the Conservation Corps of Long Beach along with staff, board members, Corpsmembers
and key stakeholders to celebrate the grand opening of the Environmental Education Center
at DeForest Park. The celebration will take place on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 at 5:00
p.m. at 6255 DeForest Avenue in Long Beach, CA 90805.

The newest Environmental Education Center for CCLB will be a hub for activities along the
lower Los Angeles River including the DeForest Park Wetlands, a thriving space frequented
by hundreds of people weekly. The new site will expand the organization’s ability to provide
youth development and environmental stewardship, Corpsmember training and more. This
center will be the home of CCLB’s newest program, River Rangers – a youth stewardship
program for all of the work being done along the lower Los Angeles River including
maintaining the DeForest Wetlands and increasing the number of trees along the River in
bordering Long Beach communities.

“The facility was designed to be sustainable. The landscape is done with all native and
drought tolerant plants, the roof is solar-ready and extends for shading to help keep the
facility cool, low-flow plumbing and energy-efficient light fixtures. One of the best things about
the facility is the stormwater capture feature that collects stormwater underground which is
critical to diminishing water supplies and important when considering climate change. We are
grateful for the investments made by our funders and sponsors – today would not be possible
without support from so many people.” Dan Knapp, CCLB executive director and CEO.

For more information, visit

Contact: Mike Mena at: 310-913-0625 or

Mike Mena
Ileana International
+1 310-316-0612
email us here