Empty Ocean FP Masi

Franceil Masi, local teacher publishes passion project, Empty Ocean book dedicated to educating of the threats to marine life, created by neglecting our oceans

We don’t own the ocean, but we need to protect what we love…”

— Franceil Masi, Author, Educator and Environmentalist

LOS ANGELES, CA, USA, October 13, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — An educator of 22 years in the Los Angeles Unified School District, Masi has channeled that persistent energy into doing her part to save the oceans through what else… education. Writing under the name F.P. Masi, the Florida native has penned this collection of less than fun facts about the dangers of overfishing, lack of coral reef conservation and human encroachment on natural wildlife habitats among other things and is excited to be releasing this book.

“I didn’t think much about it growing up because fish were plentiful and there was hardly any pollution on beaches,” says Masi. “It wasn’t until my mom started talking about sharks and what was happening to them that I started to write this book… I knew I had to publish [it] and educate kids about the ocean.” Empty Ocean focuses in on dangers to our marine life, and not just from overfishing. The book also centers in on issues such as pollution, the mass concern of microplastics, not only in the water, but also being ingested by fish and ultimately, eventually even humans; climate change and how the loss of artic icebergs can and will change the sea levels; and acidification.

The Empty Ocean book simply highlights serious concerns affecting marine life and human existence, and then raises some sobering questions: Will your children know what fish are? Will your grandchildren? “I wanted to create awareness of how everyone, not just people on the coast but inland as well, affects the ocean with the choices we make. We may not be affected by overfishing directly, but we are certainly contributing to it.” Masi continues, “the plastic bottles we buy, the fish we consume, where we live, the products we purchase. We don’t own the ocean, but we need to protect what we love… We can change all of that if we choose to.” Empty Ocean is slated to be available in select bookstores, conscious boutiques, and LAUSD libraries soon for student engagement.

Empty Ocean is currently available for purchase at globally recognized Wynwood Walls Shops Miami and on Franceil Masi’s website https://www.beconscientious.com The Conscientious Clothing brand, also available at her website, was founded by Masi, and in addition to providing sustainable clothing, a percentage of proceeds goes towards organizations that advocate for and benefit animal wildlife. About Franceil Masi Franceil Masi is a 20+ year public school educator, published author and mom. In addition to educating our youth, Masi has also founded a clothing brand providing sustainable clothing, dedicated to benefitting and helping create awareness of organizations that advocate for and aid animal wildlife.

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