Best-Selling Author and Customer Service Expert, Michael Barnett

Customer Relationship Imprinting Book

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Businesses of all shapes and sizes are discovering the 6 elements to ensure exceptional customer service without exception

If you’re going deliver exceptional service then you need exceptional staff on a mission and not just employees seeking a paycheck.”

— Michael Barnett

LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, February 26, 2023 / — Knowing the difference between ‘acceptable’ customer service and exceptional service is the basis for creating real change in your business. According to best-selling author of, ‘Customer Relationship Imprinting,’ Michael Barnett, “There are six commonalities found in every business that is consistently delivering exceptional service!” What are these six practices? Barnett reveals these in his book and is finding an audience hungry for exceptional service. In a post-pandemic world, hotels, medical practices, retail and most every other business is struggling to deliver exceptional service.

According to Barnett, one of the missing ingredients within so many industries is what he calls a, “mission mindset.” Barnett says, “If you’re going deliver exceptional service then you need exceptional staff on a mission and not just employees seeking a paycheck.” For so many businesses this has been a challenge that few find a remedy for. In fact, businesses are still just trying to fill holes and aren’t even in a place to consider building their team. But what does a mission mindset have to do with your customer service?

According to the author, “Right now, your employees are asking for more money! However, they may be looking for something more than a raise.”

There’s a little-known story of how Steve Jobs talked Pepsi CEO John Scully into leaving Pepsi for Apple. After meeting with Steve Jobs every weekend for five months; hearing all the reasons why he should join Apple, Scully finally told Jobs, “I’ve thought about it and I’m not coming to Apple.” However, the next words out of Steve Jobs mouth caused Scully to resign his position at the global giant to join Apple. Did he offer him more money? No! He convinced him with something far greater.

Jobs looked Scully in the eye and said, “You want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world?”

The mission, and not the money, changed things! Scully left Pepsi for Apple.

In Barnett’s book, Customer Relationship Imprinting, he asks, “Have you created a mission for your employees beyond their paycheck or are you trying to stay afloat by throwing more money to win temporary loyalty from your staff?” Ask your employees, “What’s the mission is of our business?” Their collective answer will help you create or adjust your mission and can transform your employees from chasing a paycheck to pursuing a mission!

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