Wall Street Journal Bestselling book Flight of the Rondone by Patrick Girondi

Patrick Girondi on Front page of New York Times Business Section

LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, February 21, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — P.G. Cuschieri, of Joy Road Entertainment and writer/producer of the film Cut Throat City, has agreed to write the screen adaptation of Patrick Girondi‘s acclaimed novel, “Flight of the Rondone – High School Dropout VS Big Pharma: The Fight to Save My Son’s Life.”

P.G. Cuschieri was raised in Michigan. He received both undergraduate and graduate degrees from University of Detroit, achieving a Masters in Theology and Liberal Studies. Before moving to Los Angeles he was a basketball coach and teacher in inner-city Detroit. He currently writes and produces content for his company Joy Road Entertainment.

Girondi, author of ‘Flight of the Rondone,’(roan-doe-nay) is the father of a patient and founder of San Rocco Therapeutics (SRT). SRT, run by the street kid Girondi, has conducted gene therapy clinical trials in the United States with no safety issues, longer than any other entity. SRT also delivered the first commercial batch of gene therapy to treat Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) and Thalassemia to the world in 2010. In the U.S., there are approximately 2500 patients suffering from Thalassemia and 100,000 patients suffering SCD.

The miraculous project, described in the book, ‘Flight Of The Rondone’ was sabotaged. Court documents (New York Supreme Court file 150856/2017) illustrate that Third Rock Ventures and the CEO of Bluebird Bio, Nick Leschly, paid $35 million for an inferior product which causes serious side-effects. Court records proved that scientists and executives of both companies admitted that their product was inferior to SRT’s product. These legal records further indicate that it was desperation that led to Bluebird Bio and Third Rock Ventures’ decision to infringe upon SRT’s gene therapy project, attempting to fix up their inferior medicine. They then had to cut off competition and did so by destroying SRT’s work which was more affordable and safer.

Third Rock and Bluebird raised over $1.1 billion from investors and Leschly was compensated over $24 million in 2018 alone. Girondi pointed out “Bluebird Bio had a market cap of $12 billion which became $600 million or a reduction of 95% in a few years. Mr. Leschly, who personally made over $100,000,000 and Third Rock Ventures sold far ahead of the crash. This type of behavior hurts each and every American by causing prices of medical therapies to skyrocket and destroying faith in our financial markets.”

As quoted in the New York Times, CEO Leschly said “We had an ‘Apollo 13 moment.’ We had to get everyone in the room.” Girondi points out “According to official documents, this is precisely when Bluebird Bio and Third Rock Ventures sabotaged our life-saving gene therapy project. All of these public court documents and real-life occurrences will be displayed to the audience and assist them using more laymen’s terms than less known medical terminology, in order to understand the mechanics of approving drugs and the workings of big pharma. This is at the same time a heartbreaking and heartwarming true story.”

Bluebird’s therapy was recently approved at $2.8 million. Girondi points out “Our product has not only been deemed by professionals as safer, but the price will be $700,000 per patient. I wrote my concerns to the FDA but, many often say, ‘Follow the money, it will bring you to truth.’”

Girondi offered “I’m not the only parent in this situation. The scandal involving Purdue Pharma and its owners, the Sackler family, addicted millions of people to Oxycontin. Over 1 million died. Another drug, Paxil resulted in the deaths of over 100,000 children. Prosecutors proved that executives knew that the product created suicidal tendencies in children yet no one was even arrested and the pharmacy company Glaxo paid an inconsequential fine. To me, not one tear of even one of these kids or parents is worth all the billions in the world. I guess others see it differently.”

The New York Times stated that “Flight of the Rondone” was “made for television.” The book was a #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller in addition to reaching #1 on three Amazon bestseller lists; #1 on Barnes and Noble; and top 100 on USA Today in 2022.


All allegations against Bluebird Bio and Third Rock Ventures are based on documents from the New York Supreme Court file, ‘150856/2017.’ This court case was finalized on November 2, 2020.




Aurora DeRose
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