Four years of inventorying GIS asset data almost was for naught until the Town of Hillsborough, CA, partnered with OpenGov resource management software.

CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, February 28, 2023 / — Town of Hillsborough, CA, staff spent up to four years inventorying assets in a GIS platform, only to find the data couldn’t be leveraged in the Town’s legacy software. So, officials partnered with OpenGov, the leader in municipal asset management software.

Located south of San Francisco in San Mateo County, the Town of Hillsborough identified a handful of pain points with its legacy software. While lack of a GIS integration was at the top of the list, officials also noted that they needed asset management software that include a mobile application and quality customer support. After working with a free trial for data collection and work order management, field crews—the primary software users—unanimously chose to move forward with the OpenGov partnership.

Now the Town can leverage its financial and time investment in GIS by combining spatial analysis tools with work, condition, and cost data in OpenGov Cartegraph Asset Management to make informed decisions. By integrating the two powerful tools, the Town will increase productivity, improve problem-solving, and provide a better resident experience. Using OpenGov’s mobile app, field crews can see assigned tasks, attach photos, take notes, enter labor hours, and log materials, all without cumbersome paperwork. Back at the office, supervisors have a real-time view of the work being accomplished. OpenGov’s solution comes with ongoing support, online training resources, and a dedicated customer team.

The Town of Hillsborough joins more than 1,600 public sector organizations leveraging OpenGov to revolutionize work processes with cloud-based software designed specifically for the needs of government.

About OpenGov
OpenGov is the leader in modern cloud software for our nation’s cities, counties, and state agencies. With a mission to power more effective and accountable government, OpenGov serves more than 1,600 agencies across the U.S. and is built exclusively for the unique budgeting, procurement, asset management, and citizen services needs of the public sector. The OpenGov Cloud makes organizations more collaborative and efficient and enables best-in-class communication with stakeholders and your community.

Steph Beer, Senior Director of Communications
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