GV28 GV28 WHO AM I? Wisdom From The Bones (Front Cover)

GV28 GV28 WHO AM I? Wisdom From The Bones (Front Cover)

Always Running: La Vida Loca by Luis J. Rodriguez (Book Cover)

Always Running: La Vida Loca by Luis J. Rodriguez (Book Cover)

Award-Winning Filmmaker / Author Bob Bryan

Award-Winning Filmmaker / Author Bob Bryan

“GV28 WHO AM I? WISDOM FROM THE BONES is a powerful, well-conceived and executed piece of work based upon key aspects of my life.” – Luis J. Rodriguez, Author

WISDOM FROM THE BONES succeeds because Luis speaks eloquently & truthfully about his dark journey from “Trauma to Transformation,” describing in detail how he endured by confronting his inner demons.”

— Filmmaker Bob Bryan

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, February 27, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — GV28 WHO AM I? WISDOM FROM THE BONES explores the complex psyche’ of a flawed but incredibly talented and prolific poet / artist Luis J. Rodriguez in an intimate no-holds-barred one-on-one interview format conducted by Filmmaker Bob Bryan. Integrated into this special presentation is Rodriguez’s dramatic reading of his unforgettable poetic works, performed in emotionally evocative settings.

In 1993, Luis J. Rodriguez exploded onto the National Literary Scene with the release of his memoir “ALWAYS RUNNING, Living La Vida Loca: Gang Days in L.A.” Based entirely on true events in his furious life, “ALWAYS RUNNING” is a literary ‘must-read’ selection that has sold over half-a-million copies to date. Luis has served as the Official Poet Laureate of Los Angeles, California and has authored over 21 novels, memoirs and poetry books. He is the recipient of the prestigious Carl Sandburg Literary Award for non-fiction and many other National Literary Awards.

“GV28 WHO AM I? WISDOM FROM THE BONES directed by Bob Bryan is a powerful, well-conceived and executed piece of work” admits Luis Javier Rodriguez, adding “WHO AM I? is a singularly unique and artful documentary based upon my poetry and key aspects of my life.”

Writer Davyd McCoy had this to share, “GV28 clearly shows Luis’ complex and unique personal history, his strength, indomitable will and his desire to know who he is. This sharing takes form and expression in his love for creative writing. Only he knows the demons and secrets that dwell within that he’ll silently carry to the grave. “

“Although I feel for him having endured such mental and physical abuse in his life; he is blessed with the gift of expression that most people only dream about. His pain and triumphs are clearly conveyed to the audience in such an extravagant, yet humble way, so as not to belittle the masses. This guy is TRUTH in every sense of the word.” – Matthew Moppins, Educator

“Luis Rodriguez’s books bring us into the turbulent vortex of gang life in all its bitter complexity. By expressing the pain of those most destroyed, Rodriguez never lets us forget where we need to go together.” – Fred Whitehead, The National Catholic Reporter

According to Filmmaker Bob Bryan, WISDOM FROM THE BONES succeeds because Luis speaks eloquently and truthfully about his dark journey from ‘Trauma to Transformation.’ He describes in details the difficulties that he endured by confronting his inner demons and insecurities, his deep, debilitating fears, his apprehensions and psychological blindness which all drove him at the tender age of 12 years old to seek out the communion of Death Cults called ‘Gangs.’ These groups coveted the idea of ‘Homicide and Suicide’ as an unconscious theme in their reckless activities and angry lives. When you factor in heroin and alcohol use, it’s no wonder that few survive this vicious negative urban cycle. It’s an important story that needs to be told, and Luis is the perfect messenger.

But that’s not the whole story… The amazing transformation of this survivor who emerged from the darkness to ‘claim his life’ and discover his spiritual and ethnic roots, to emerge as a healer, mentor and cultural transformational leader and cultural force is truly inspirational. How do you carve out a loving identity forged from pain, suffering and denial? It is Art that has that Power!

GV28 WHO AM I? is Filmmaker Bob Bryan’s 28th Docu-Series Film exploring the eclectic lives of talented denizens from the vast urban diaspora and beyond. The GV Docu-Series is directed, shot, edited and Executive Produced by Mr. Bryan. He has garnered over 176 world-wide Awards and Festival honors to date, including the prestigious Alfred I. Du-Pont Columbia Awards, several CINE Golden Eagles, National Media Network “First Place Golden Apple Awards,” LA Cinema Festival of Hollywood “Best Documentary,” Telluride Festival “Best Documentary,” AVC “Silver CINDY Awards,” etc.

A talented filmmaker, Mr. Bryan has explored such pop-culture subjects such as the eclectic realities and creative agendas of Urban Spray-Can Artists, as well as the complex culture-altering elements of the underground Hip-Hop culture. With a trained eye focused on the truth (Verite’) he has documented The Art of Beat-Boxing, Hip-Hop Dance, Turntablism and the artistic raison d’être of the M.C. (Master of Ceremonies.) In addition, Bob has been in the vanguard in illuminating the truth behind the artists of both Literary Page Poetry and Spoken-Word Poetry, as well as, the misunderstood motivations and personalities of the Women’s Roller Derby phenomenon, the fascinatingly creative world of Writing & Game Design, and exploring the exotic Balinese Dance culture’s Wayang Kulit Shadow Puppetry, Gods and Demons, Ritualistic Cremation and Balinese Myth, Magic and Ceremonial Rituals and more.

DVD and Streaming Now Available @ Amazon Prime: https://a.co/d/2yobXkd

GV28 Reviews: https://www.graffitiverite.com/GV28_Who-Am-I_FilmReviews.pdf

Luis J. Rodriquez’s Books @ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B000APP3ZM

Bob Bryan
Bryan World Productions
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