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jD Shapiro, the renowned writer from Robin Hood Men In Tights, is creating a groundbreaking film with Active Shooter the Movie.

Active Shooter the Movie is a unique and timely addition to the Hollywood cinematic world. Through its intimate story, it is sure to empower survivors and those around them to create positive change. ”

— Melissa Morris

HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, April 24, 2023/ — Legendary Hollywood writer jD Shapiro is unveiling his latest work, Active Shooter the Movie, to turn pain into action.

jD Shapiro, the renowned writer from Robin Hood Men In Tights, is creating a groundbreaking film with Active Shooter the Movie. The plot follows a school shooting survivor who is determined to make something positive come out of their tragedy. Beginning with the shock of the shooting, the film will take the viewer through the story of how one person’s pain became a powerful motivator for change.

Active Shooter the Movie will showcase the strength and resilience of survivors and their families. It will also highlight the strength of the community as a whole as they come together to support one another through difficult times. It will also cover important themes, such as gun control and mental health, in an effort to make change in the world.

The film is sure to make an important impact:

• Exploring the tragedy of a school shooting from the perspective of the survivors

• Demonstrating the power of community in the aftermath of such a tragedy

• Showcasing the strength and determination of individuals to make a positive difference

• Covering important topics, such as gun control and mental health

Active Shooter the Movie is a unique and timely addition to the Hollywood cinematic world. Through its intimate story, it is sure to empower survivors and those around them to create positive change.
Legendary Hollywood writer jD Shapiro of the movie Robin Hood Men In Tights is proud to present his latest work, Active Shooter the Movie. Through this film, he seeks to turn pain into action and make a lasting impact on viewers around the world.
jD Shapiro has movies in development in USA, Sweden, Canada and Spain, as well as a TV series in Spain. Among his credits: Audience Award winner for Best Film, “We Married Margo,” at the HBO Comedy Festival. Partners with Stan Lee, who considered jD his protégé, creating comic book content from 2002 to 2016. Writer of “Robin Hood: Men in Tights.” He is also the first writer of the ill-fated “Battlefield Earth

Melissa Morris
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