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Send and Receive Payments for FREE

Send and Receive Payments for FREE

Peer-to-Peer Payments

Peer-to-Peer Payments

Accepting Micropayments within Artificial Intelligence (AI) Products, Plugins and Apps is now possible with Banana Crystal Payments.

Many VCs/startups are betting that from 2023 and up, generative AI will explode. If these bets are correct, a 2nd order effect will be the rise of micropayments needed to facilitate AI-powered content”

— George Martins

LOS ANGELES, CA, USA, April 18, 2023/ — The world is moving toward a cashless society. And the future of payments is AI micropayments. Many VCs/startups are betting that from 2023 and beyond generative AI will explode. If these bets are correct, a second order effect will be the rise of micropayments needed to facilitate AI-powered personalized content/UXs.

We’re living in an era of unprecedented technological advancements. AI is transforming the world and changing how we do everything from driving cars to buying groceries. But just as AI has the potential to revolutionize our lives in so many ways, it also has the power to change how you make payments for digital content.

With AI you can charge miniscule micro payment amounts in fractions of a cent based on usage. Therefore, you require a modern-day payment network that can handle millions of micro payments without charging a fee for it to work.

For example, if you use an AI app that requires the use of GPU resources, there’s a good chance that it’ll cost you somewhere between $0.015 and $0.10 per use. That’s too much for ads to support, so micropayments are needed for an AI app ecosystem to flourish. Rather than higher price points subscription models with a huge entry barrier.

BananaCrystal AI Micropayments is a free payment gateway that allows you to accept payments directly on your website or inside your AI app or plugin. It uses Wallet and blockchain technology and so users wallets can be debited with micropayment amounts in fractions of a cent thousands of times without any fees.

This makes it possible for AI micropayments because BananaCrystal is the only payment solution out there that allows you to send and receive payments for FREE. Other payment platforms like PayPal, Stripe, CashApp charge fees to send and receive payments. Thus, making it unfeasible to use for AI micropayments.

As an AI business, you need a payment gateway that will allow you to process thousands of micropayments per day without charging fees to your users each time. The BananaCrystal AI Micropayments system does exactly that!

BananaCrystal AI Micropayments can be used to accept payments for free from anyone, anywhere in the world in products like:
-AI Chatbots
-AI Microsites/Landing Pages
-AI Webinars/Podcasts/Videos
-AI Software Products
-AI Plugins/Addons for WordPress, Shopify, Wix, etc.

AI micropayments are the future of payments and it’s already happening. Businesses are already using it to accept payments, and consumers are already using it to pay for goods and services. It’s a win-win for everyone!

About Banana Crystal
Banana Crystal is a Peer-to-Peer payment platform that enables anyone to send and receive money to anyone, anywhere in the world for FREE. This makes it possible for AI micropayments because BananaCrystal is the only payment solution out there that allows you to send and receive payments for free.
Businesses can set up store fronts accounts and accept payments on their AI applications, websites and or physically using any phone/tablet/laptop as a virtual point of sale (POS) system.

Users in countries with high inflation and devaluing currencies are able to use the platform to convert their funds from their local fiat currencies and then store in their wallets in the form of digital USD dollars.

Visit us at

George Martins
Banana Crystal Peer-to-Peer Payment
+1 307-291-8444
email us here

AI Micropayment Blockchain Solution