American Bullion reviews Biden’s first potential veto which may affect many Americans’ hard earned retirement accounts.

LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, March 3, 2023 / — The Republican-led House this week continued the anti-woke campaign with Biden, as he threatens to veto Congressionally-recommended Department of Labor (DOL) rule changes, so that they limit how retirement-investment plans (like your 401k) are required to consider issues of an environmental, social, and/or governance (ESG) nature. On Wednesday, the Senate passed the resolution (50-46) supporting the rollback, with the assistance of two Democrats, Senators Joe Manchin – (WV) and Jon Tester – (MT). Biden previously said he would veto the resolution if passed, saying in a White House statement, “The [DOL] rule reflects what successful marketplace investors already know —there is an extensive body of evidence that environmental, social and governance factors can have material impacts on certain markets, industries and companies.”

Trump-era rules regarding the matter had gone to the extent of essentially penalizing fund managers for screening investments utilizing ESG at all, but the Biden Administration removed the penalties, suggesting that it assists the companies to measure long term risks to an investment, as well as sizing up potential investment opportunities. Changes to the Trump-era policy were made in DOL ESG rules passed in November of last year and returned regulations to a neutral status regarding how regulations dictate investment considerations like renewable energy technology, or linking CEO compensation to a scorecard. Detractors of the regulation rollback argue that it’s not necessary for the government to further control the financial future of Americans and so are ramping up efforts to equate ESG with “woke” liberal politics. Accounts like Self Directed IRAs permit a variety of assets to be placed in retirement accounts, such as physical gold and silver.

We at American Bullion believe Americans need more flexibility and freedom when it comes to investing their retirement funds. These latest actions amplify an ongoing debate between free market investment supporters and those who say Biden is trying to force feed environmental and social agendas that Congress has already refused to pass. The topic has already spilled over into the courts, state legislatures, and governor’s offices. However, ESG investing in retirement accounts will continue to face challenges, even if Biden does veto the pending rollback resolution, as Republican attorney generals from 25 states have already filed a joint lawsuit, claiming the DOL has already overstepped its authority by allowing ESG into retirement plans in the first place. Andy Barr, a Republican House Representative from Kentucky said in a statement that if Congress, “doesn’t block the Department of Labor’s rule greenlighting ESG investing in retirement plans, retirees will suffer diminished returns on the investment of their hard earned money.” Dissenters of the veto possibility are tapping the Congressional Review Act, which permits Congress to disapprove, with a simple majority vote, any final rule issued by a federal agency if it has not been in effect for more than 60 legislative days.

Senate Majority leader Charles Schumer – (NY), used a Wall Street Journal op-ed to float the idea that it’s simply free markets at work when retirement funds can use ESG to help decide stock winners and losers. Further, some House Democrats have introduced legislation to codify the rule. Doing so, they say will protect retirement sponsor’s flexibility to consider ESG factors in workplace retirement plans and give them the option to offer ESG investments. Nevertheless, further efforts to derail Biden’s planned veto can be seen at the state level, where Republican lawmakers have already begun proposing bills that would prohibit public entities from even considering ESG.

John Reese
American Bullion, Inc.
+1 310-689-7720
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