Boston Global Forum

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Patent Attorney Bao Tran of PowerPatent

Boston Forum will host a webinar on an International Cooperation Framework for Sustainable Use of AI Assistants. Sign-up at

ChatGPT has shown that it can help answer basic legal questions more precisely than Google ever could. This means that consumers will no longer need to visit websites like Avvo or Lawyerist. Buckle Up”

— Bao Tran, Patent Attorney

SANTA CLARA, CA, UNITED STATES, February 23, 2023 / — PowerPatent and the Boston Global Forum Announce a Discussion on International Cooperation Framework for Sustainable Use of AI Assistants.

AI has emerged as a global phenomenon, having applications across numerous industries. It can automate data collection and analysis, manage large amounts of customer information, forecast market behavior and even power electric grids.

Human-machine interaction (HMI) can be supported in a range of sectors, including retail, law, automotive and transportation and agriculture. These applications are driven by the need for faster customer service and improved business processes (International Finance Corporation, 2020).

A global approach to AI standards can enhance transparency of systems, reduce costs for businesses, and promote consistency in the use of AI. It may also boost confidence in its use and make it simpler for users to trust and interact with their AI assistants.

International cooperation is crucial for ensuring the sustainable and responsible use of AI assistants, including legal software with AI. As AI technology becomes more widespread and its impact on society grows, it is important for countries to work together to establish a common understanding of the opportunities and challenges posed by these technologies, and to develop a comprehensive international framework for their use.

An international cooperation framework for AI could include the following components:

Joint research and development efforts: Collaboration among countries to advance the development of AI technologies and to share knowledge and best practices.

Standardization and interoperability: Developing international standards and protocols for the design, development, and deployment of AI technologies to promote interoperability and to minimize fragmentation in the market.

Ethical and legal principles: Developing a common understanding of the ethical and legal principles that should govern the use of AI, including transparency, accountability, privacy, and non-discrimination.

Cooperation on regulation: Sharing information and best practices on regulation, including approaches to protecting privacy, ensuring accountability, and reducing the risk of bias and discrimination.

Capacity building: Providing support and resources to countries and organizations to help them develop the technical and regulatory expertise needed to effectively use and regulate AI technologies.

“AI assistants like ChatGPT have the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work, but it is essential that we take steps to ensure their responsible development and deployment,” said Bao Tran, Patent Attorney at Patent PC and Founder of Patent SaaS provider PowerPatent Inc. “A comprehensive transparent AI framework that addresses privacy, ethics, and bias is a critical step in realizing the full potential of these systems while protecting the interests of users and society as a whole.”

International cooperation is important not only for ensuring the responsible and sustainable use of AI, but also for ensuring that these technologies bring about the greatest possible benefits for society. By working together, countries can ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that promotes trust and confidence in the technology, and that protects the interests of individuals and organizations around the world.

For more on the webinar, please sign-up at

About the Boston Global Forum:
The Boston Global Forum (BGF) offers a venue for leaders, strategists, thinkers, and innovators to contribute to the process of Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment. In 2019, the Boston Global Forum, in collaboration with the United Nations Academic Impact, launched the United Nations Centennial Initiative. It began with the release of a major work titled “Remaking the World – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment”. More than twenty distinguished leaders, thinkers, strategists, and innovators put forth unprecedented approaches to the challenges that lay before the world. These contributors include President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, Governor Michael Dukakis, Father of Internet Vint Cerf, Former US Secretary of Defense Ash Carter, Harvard University Professors Joseph Nye and Thomas Patterson, MIT Professors Nazli Choucri and Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland, and MEP Eva Kaili.

About PowerPatent:
PowerPatent Inc. is a leading provider of AI solutions and a pioneer in the development of cutting-edge AI technology for patent preparation and prosecution. With a focus on responsible AI development and deployment, PowerPatent is committed to advancing the field of AI in a manner that benefits society as a whole.

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Bao Tran
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