“The Siege of Love” by Edel Alon

In “The Siege of Love,” love finds a way to blossom in the midst of chaos

SAN FRANCISCO , UNITED STATES, February 22, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — Author Edel Alon is thrilled to announce the release of his second book, “The Siege of Love” – a unique love story set in Paris in 1870.

“The Siege of Love” is set during the time of the Franco-Prussian War when the people of Paris were starving and started to eat the animals at the zoo. Alon said he discovered this unpleasant circumstance during a random internet search looking for what is the weirdest animal to eat. “I wrote this to fill my romance novel kick and also include other aspects of my life like food and love for spy films,” he shared.

As “The Siege of Love” describes, during the 1870 siege of Paris, the Prussian army surrounded the city, cutting off all supplies and communication with the outside world. Despite the hardships and uncertainty, love found a way to blossom in the midst of chaos. Chloe, a young zookeeper, cared for the animals. Her father, a restaurateur, was forced to serve zoo animals. And Max, a spy from Prussia, was sent to Paris to gather intel about the upcoming war.

As the siege finally came to an end and the city was taken over, Chloe and Max are faced with the reality of their situation in the novel. They came from different worlds and had different futures ahead of them. But their love was strong and they knew they could overcome any obstacle if they had each other.

“The Siege of Love” can be purchased at Amazon at https://amzn.to/3YxGP2t or Barnes & Noble at https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-siege-of-love-edel-alon/1143071238?ean=9798987772607.

For more information about Alon and to see more of his writing, visit edelalon.com, where he also welcomes questions about food, leadership, music, projects or technology. Alon can also be followed on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


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