Book review by Commander Trish Beckman, US Navy (retired), Naval Flight Officer (Navigator), for

Book review by Commander Trish Beckman, US Navy (retired), Naval Flight Officer (Navigator)

Colorful Captain Mama bilingual book trilogy by ​Graciela Tiscareño-Sato with patches

Colorful Captain Mama bilingual book trilogy by ​Graciela Tiscareño-Sato with patches

flight suit social at Women Military Aviators meetup at Women in Aviation International conference

flight suit social at Women Military Aviators meetup at Women in Aviation International conference

Members of Women Military Aviators & others w/aviation backgrounds to gather at Authors Connect, Feb 23-25, during WAI Conference, Long Beach Convention Center

Women in Aviation International supports authors by offering the opportunity to do book signings in the conference exhibit hall. I’m grateful for the opportunity to assist in this effort this year.”

— Liz Booker

LOS ANGELES, CA, USA, February 21, 2023 / — Gracefully Global Group, publisher of the award-winning bilingual children’s aviation trilogy, announces that founder and Air Force aviation veteran Graciela Tiscareño-Sato will join 13 fellow aviation authors February 23-25 during the annual gathering of members of Women in Aviation International and Women Military Aviators.

The 14 authors will appear at the WAI Authors Connect Bookshop, organized this year by Coast Guard veteran and pilot Liz Booker, creator of the Literary Aviatrix brand, and the Aviatrix Book Review podcast.

“Every year, Women in Aviation, International supports authors by offering them the opportunity to do book signings in the conference exhibit hall,” said Ms. Booker. “I’m grateful for the opportunity to assist in this effort this year and to showcase their work at a Reading and Reception on opening night.”

The women gathering at WAI will also celebrate two historical aviation milestones in 2023: the 50th year that women have served in modern military aviation and the 30th year women have served in combat aviation roles. Thirty years ago, a group of women (now members of Women Military Aviators) formed a coalition of military and civilian advocates. Their efforts directly resulted in the Repeal of the Combat Exclusion Law. Now, women compete for assignments based on qualifications and performance. An era or exclusion ended and the full integration of women into military aviation began. The recent all-woman-U.S. Navy-aviator flyover at the 2023 Super Bowl was a very visible kickoff to a year of celebrations.

The Women Military Aviators press kit states, “The U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army opened their programs to women in 1973. Ever since then every service, including the U.S. Coast Guard has accepted female aviators, many of whom have made historic achievements and advancements in the field of military aviation. April 23, 1993, is the official date that the Department of Defense changed its policy to allow women aviators to additionally serve in combat roles.”

“What a thrill to meet up with my sister aviators, authors, veterans, and storytellers, to add our voices to U.S. aviation history, and military history during 2023, the Year of She,” said Tiscareño-Sato. “We’re highlighting the importance of these aviation milestones to help educate our fellow Americans, celebrate successful advocacy wins, and decades of resultant women aviators and military leaders. We have a common goal to attract many more women and girls to consider careers in the civilian aviation industry and to serving and leading in our nation’s military aviation units across all service branches.”

The authors scheduled to appear at the WAI conference include these women aviation authors and their literature:
Cecilia Aragon – “Flying Free: My Victory over Fear to Become the First Latina National Aerobatic Champion”
Julie Clark – “Nothing Stood in Her Way”
Robin Kardon – “Flygirl, Angel Flight, Flying Home”
John and Martha King – “LIFT: How to Start, Run, and Grow Your Own Successful Business”
Erin Miller – “Final Flight, Final Fight: My Grandmother, the WASP, and Arlington National Cemetery” & “What Grandma Did”
Karlene Pettit – “Flight to Success, I Am Awesome, Flight for . . . “(6-book thriller series)
Lynn Rippelmeyer – “Life Takes Wings: Becoming the World’s First Female 747 Pilot”
Laura Savino – “Jet Boss: A Female Pilot on Taking Risks and Flying High”
Mary Bush Shipko – “AVIATRIX: First Woman Pilot for Hughes Airwest” & “Daring Mary Aviation Pioneer”
Tammie Jo Shults – “Nerves of Steel: How I Followed my Dreams, Earned my Wings, and Faced my Greatest Challenge”
Merryl Tengesdal – “Shatter the Sky: What Going to the Stratosphere Taught Me about Self-Worth, Sacrifice, and Discipline”
Graciela Tiscareño-Sato – The bilingual Captain Mama trilogy: “Good Night, Captain Mama/Buenas noches, Capitán Mamá,” “Captain Mama’s Surprise/La Sorpresa de Capitán Mamá,” “Taking Flight with Captain Mama/Despegando con Capitán Mamá” and “B.R.A.N.D. Before your Resumé: Your Marketing Guide for Veterans & Military Service Members Entering Civilian Life”
Julie Tizard – “The Road to Wings,” “Flight to the Horizon,” and “Free Fall at Angel Creek”
Victoria Yeager- “101 Chuck Yeager-isms: Wit and Wisdom from America’s Hero”
With Women’s History Month around the corner in March, this is the perfect time for journalists and educators to reach out and connect with these authors, purchase their literature for libraries, schools, and corporate ERG events, and join us in celebrating this slice of American military HERstory.

For school districts already ordering bilingual educational materials through distributor Lectorum, Tiscareño-Sato’s entire Captain Mama aviation trilogy is available through their 2023 catalog and website (search words: Captain Mama)

MEDIA contact to interview authors in Long Beach is below.

To interview members of Women Military Aviators at the conference or anytime, please contact or (719) 465-4104

Gracefully Global Group LLC is in the business of inspiración. We’re the premiere independent educational publisher of positive media images and case studies from the Latino community in book, eBook and live presentation formats. The company is certified as a woman-and-minority-owned small business to serve federal and state agencies. The firm’s first book in the Latinnovating series received three honors at the International Latino Book Awards in New York City when it debuted, for its unique focus on showcasing Latino-led innovation and entrepreneurship in the green economy. The bilingual Captain Mama / Capitán Mamá trilogy, inspired by Ms. Tiscareno-Sato’s military aviation service, has won six international book awards; it’s the first bilingual children’s book series about women in uniform flying airplanes in our nation’s military. The firm’s most recent professional development title, B.R.A.N.D. Before your Resumé: Your Marketing Guide for Veterans & Military Service Members Entering Civilian Life, was awarded the Silver Medal in the How to/Business category last month by the Military Writers Society of America. Using award-winning multicultural literature, the firm helps organizations with diversity and inclusion initiatives reaching out to veteran and Latino communities with a creative blend of literature, multicultural marketing and public speaking offerings. Its mission is to “create literature that showcases the positive contributions of Latino Americans in the USA.” Learn more about the firm’s unique innovations:

Liz Booker, Coast Guard veteran and pilot
Literary Aviatrix and Aviatrix Book Review podcast
+1 424-634-2173
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Graciela Tiscareno-Sato – Bilingual Public Speaker Reel