BravePact EMS Billing Services

BravePact EMS Billing Services

We know that margins are thinner now more than ever, and that exposure from liability is greater than ever. It’s about time that a billing service plays a part in helping on both fronts.”

— Anthony Schwartz

EL DORADO HILLS, CA, UNITED STATES, October 13, 2022 / — The new business for ambulance companies, BravePact EMS Billing Service, is setting the stage for the future. Many EMS billing providers are still stuck in the past and rely on a mix of paper and electronic means to chase down demographic information and data. BravePact, with their tech savvy team, is light years ahead of the competition. According to Anthony Schwartz of BravePact, “The EMS billing service industry has not changed very much over the last 5-10 years. We saw an opportunity to leverage software technology (EPCR for field users, billing software for our billers, and fleet tracking for admin) to make the next leap forward. Since when can a billing service get your billing done, get you NEMSIS compliant, and speed up your time between calls? Now it can.”

BravePact has their finger on the pulse of everything in EMS billing. Their employees are top-notched and well-versed in their chosen field to meet the needs of each important customer. Their goal is to gain and maintain the trust of the people they serve. They endeavor to supply quick results for each claim.

According to a study from FAIR Health, “the patients’ costs for ground ambulance transports increased by 56% over a three-year period, jumping from $486 in 2017 to $758 in 2020. Additionally, the fees for providing ALS ground ambulance services increased from an average of $1,042 to $1,277 during the same period — a 22.6% increase. Despite the increase in costs to patients, Medicare reimbursements for ground ambulance transports increased just 5%, from $441 to $463.”

BravePact’s unique position allows them to see both sides of the coin. They know how to strong-arm insurance companies as an extension of the agency they represent. Their skills go beyond billing and afford complete coverage and support for the entire operation with NEMSIS compliance, business analytics and quality assurance as they secure customer’s revenue.

“People often think that EMS transport is a one-way profit center. We know that margins are thinner now more than ever, and that exposure from liability is greater than ever. It’s about time that a billing service plays a part in helping on both fronts. BravePact does.” -Anthony Schwartz

For more information, please contact Anthony Schwartz at phone: Call/Text: 916-260-1094 Email: or visit Website:

Anthony Schwartz
+1 916-260-1094
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