The Crisis of the Negro (Black) Intellectual is real. But if doesn’t have to be. There are solutions. If only Black leaders were looking in the right places.

It’s time to lay all the cards on the table . The revolution may not be televised, but the resolution definitely will.”

— Daniel D Hardman

SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA, USA, December 13, 2022 / — In Crisis (mis)Management: The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual Revisited, or Crisis as he lovingly refers to it, Daniel explores answers to persistent problems by pointing back to the realistic ideas and real-world solutions Harold Cruse put forth in his analytical work. These ideas and solutions deserve serious consideration by all of Black/African America. Daniel also introduces some interesting ideas of his own that are sure to be conversation starters. Which, to be honest, is the point of Crisis—to enlarge the conversation by bringing it out of intellectual spaces and into the Black public square.

In 1967, Harold Cruse wrote The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, an historical analysis of the failures of Black leadership. In 1992, Daniel read Cruse’s work and it changed his life. Immediately, he embarked on a path that would lead him out of the safe space of Christianity and “understand it better by and by”, into an existence that required him to contribute in meaningful ways to help solve the problems his people face. As far as he’s concerned, similar drastic measures are needed to shake off the slavery-induced hangover Blacks/African Americans suffer from.

Rather than taking the well-worn “either/or” approach that has unquestionably better served their problems, both Harold Cruse and Daniel advocate an all-inclusive both/and strategy—Douglas and Delaney, Washington and DuBois, Martin and Malcolm, integration and nationalism—to deal with the resilient Black dilemma in all its iterations, the most recent of which can be found in the Critical Race Theory backlash. In short, it’s time to lay all the solution cards on the table so Blacks/African Americans can decide for themselves what their freedom will look like. The revolution may not be televised, but the resolution definitely will.

Daniel D. Hardman is a former licensed Christian minister, talk radio host, and guest columnist for the Oklahoma Eagle. He earned a B.A. in Radio/TV/Film from the University of North Texas (2006).

Daniel D Hardman
Capable Books
+1 9167939897
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