Holiday season gaming is supposed to be fun

E-PAL: hire and play with the most engaging gamers, creators, and pros

100,000+ verified ePals are providing services on E-PAL

E-PAL is a platform for gamers who want to improve their skills, find non-toxic teammates, and even earn extra income.

IRVINE, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, December 13, 2022 / — Holiday Season Gaming and Its Struggle
With snowflakes falling down to the ground outside of the window, mechanical keyboard click clack mixed with PC fan making uproarious sounds, one game session after another… The holiday season is a cozy time to lose yourself in the immersive worlds of your favorite games. However, not all gaming sessions can provide a good experience. Andrew, a college student who loves playing League of Legends, claims that holiday season gaming can become a nightmare if you play with toxic teammates. “I hate playing League alone because there is a great chance you’ll end up queuing with toxic players who will 100% ruin your game,” Andrew said. “It happens all the time.” Unfortunately, friends won’t always be around when you’re online, making gaming alone an inevitable result for many players. “I quit Fortnite for two weeks now,” Katie, a young female gamer said. “I felt burnt out after playing with so many toxic gamers. I mean, games are supposed to be fun, but they made me feel bad about myself. So I quit.” The struggle to find good teammates to play with is always a big one. Is there a good way to find non-toxic gamer friends on the internet who share your interests? The answer is yes. A popular social platform, E-PAL, might be the perfect solution to eliminate the risk of playing with toxic randoms during the holiday season.

A Perfect Solution to End Toxic Gaming Experiences
E-Pal offers gamers the ability to hire and play with the most engaging gamers, creators, and pros to improve their skills, ensure safe, toxic-free multiplayer sessions, or just socialize and talk about shared interests. According to its website, all ePals (the service providers on E-PAL) are reviewed and approved to be on the marketplace as part of its commitment to offering a toxic-free experience for everyone. Currently, the platform offers more than 100 games and entertainment services, such as League of Legends, Valorant, Fortnite, APEX Legends, Minecraft, and more. Lifestyle services such as E-Chat, Karaoke, Emotional Support, and Fortune Telling are also available to choose from.

The E-Pal community has two roles: ePals and Gamers. ePals are a group of passionate gamers who enjoy providing companionship to others. They are reviewed by the platform, they share about themselves, and they provide both free and paid companionship services to everyone. Gamers can choose to play with an ePal, or sign up as one to help others too.

The cornerstone of E-PAL’s community is companionship. According to a spokesperson at E-PAL, the platform has helped more than a million gamers to find friends, coaches, or even soulmates through games, voice chat, and community connections. The platform also provides introverts and people with mental health struggles a warm place to socialize with others who share their interests. Many people claim that E-PAL is one of the most female-gamer-concentrated platforms worldwide. This impressive result is achieved with the help of more than 150,000 ePals from all over the world, providing service and companionship to people in need. They are the pioneers of this niche industry, and they built this vibrant community.

ePal: An Uprising New Profession
Recently, many people have been affected by large-scale layoffs, and some companies are following Elon Musk’s example by urging employees to end remote working or face termination. With society potentially moving towards a recession, it’s a wise idea for many to have an alternative income source aside from their normal nine-to-five work. E-PAL introduces a new freelance profession for gamers to earn pocket money by playing their favorite titles with others.

Whether an individual is a skilled gamer looking to make a career out of their hobby, or just someone who loves to play games in their spare time, E-PAL allows them to turn their love of gaming into a profitable side hustle. Becoming an ePal is easy — all that is needed is a microphone, a good mindset, and some spare time. It has a very low entry barrier compared to normal content creator monetization platforms like YouTube, where video editing skills are needed, or Twitch, which requires long hours of streaming before monetization. According to E-PAL’s website, the top 25% of ePals make $500 a month, the top 1% make $4,700+ a month, and a whale spender once spent $15,000 in a day to support their friend on E-PAL. The potential for earning as an ePal is huge. Becoming an ePal also grants individuals the opportunity to connect with other gamers and share their passion for gaming with a wider audience, which can help them accumulate followers elsewhere.

In conclusion, E-PAL is a valuable platform for gamers who want to improve their skills, find non-toxic teammates, and even earn extra income. With its commitment to providing a toxic-free experience and its focus on companionship, E-PAL offers a unique and valuable service for gamers. Whether you’re looking to socialize, improve your skills, or earn some extra money, E-PAL is a great platform to consider.

Leo Li
EPal, Inc