Elena Radford

“We’re honored to include Elena Radford into our BoLAA family.” ~Aurora DeRose

We’re honored to include Elena Radford into our BoLAA family.”

— Aurora DeRose

LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, April 24, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Elena Radford, renowned Andean shaman and founder of The Inca Way, wins the Best of Los Angeles Award- “Best Holistic Wellness Services – 2023”, according to Aurora DeRose, award coordinator for the Best of Los Angeles Award community.

The “Best of Los Angeles Award” community was formed nine years ago and consists of over 7,800 professional members living and working in Southern California. It celebrates the best people, places, and things in Los Angeles with the slogan “No Ads. No B.S. Only the Best.”

“The mission of the community is to celebrate the best of Los Angeles and allow its community members to connect with other members who share the highest standards of quality and integrity,” expresses DeRose. “We’re honored to include Elena Radford into our BoLAA family.”

Radford says her lineage is an Andean shaman, which is a very ancient civilization, and they believe their land was lost when it disappeared into the ocean. Andean shamans have a unique belief system that, among other concepts, includes “balancing our energy, ideas, and dreams, and merging them into an action plan (direction) to complete and fulfill our desires, such as feeling that we are at our full potential and high performance of the essence of life,” says Radford.

Radford says her willingness to become an Andean shaman came about due to an illness with her son. In a vision, she was approached by an ancestor who encouraged her to return to Peru to find a solution. She discovered at this point how decisions made in the past affect the present and the future. “Choices in low frequencies, such as corruption, have created blocks and limited beliefs throughout history. The clearing of these blocks is called Ancestral and DNA clearings. This is how I started my journey of Andean Shaman in the mystic Inca and Pre-Inca sites in Peru and Bolivia,” says Radford.

“The goal of the Andean shaman is to master the understanding of circular time to help their people to reflect self-love. The intent is to create our future by observation from the perspective of self-love. By balancing the present and the future, we can create a better world of love, respect, and circular time where the negative and terrible choices from the past cannot control us. We become the future of self-love,” Radford concludes.

To learn more about Elena Radford and her uplifting work, click here: https://theincaway.com/

Aurora DeRose
Boundless Media Inc.
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