Lanéia Sherman, Assistant Director of “Ghosts and the Afterlife” attempts to coach Jay on how to express himself with more animated hand movements.

When you’re hot you’re hot!”

— Laneia Sherman

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, December 23, 2022 / — After Jay’s close brush with death, he is in good spirits and looking forward to celebrating the Ghosts of Christmas past and Christmas future. While most people would be devasted by having sustained his injuries, The King of Comedy has faced his recent adversities with exceptional courage and moxie and, possibly as a consequence, has recovered exceptionally fast.

Lanéia Sherman, Assistant Director of “Ghosts and the Afterlife,” wholeheartedly disagrees with Jerry Seinfeld’s comment that Jay “wasn’t that much to look at before.” Lanéia has always been a great fan of Jay’s and was actually in town for the lighting of the Hollywood Sign in the year 2000 with Jay and the Mayor of Los Angeles; however, she does not recall much about the festivities as she was only 2 years old at the time.

Jay is currently doing an entire lineup of standup performances along with his many television appearances. At the moment, there is no doubt that the King of Comedy’s career is on fire. As Lanéia stated: “When you’re hot you’re hot!”

Michael James
Hollywood Picture Studios
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Trailer for Ghosts and the Afterlife