Jim Nivette

Jim Nivette, A Software Account Executive, Explores How to Cut Costs in the Software Implementation/Development Process

ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, USA, October 17, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Jim Nivette, a software account executive, says that companies can drastically cut costs in the software development and implementation process. Nivette argues that, with limited budgets, it can be challenging to implement cutting-edge solutions or include all the bells and whistles you might want. However, he believes several vital strategies can help you reduce project costs while maintaining a high-quality standard.

First, Nivette states that adopting innovative practices such as agile methodologies or dev-ops can help to streamline your development process and cut costs in the long run. In addition, enlisting the expertise of software experts or consultants can help you stay on track with your development goals and ensure that key decisions are made wisely, and efficiency is maximized throughout the project.

Another essential factor that Jim Nivette believes companies should keep in mind is inefficient workflows and processes. Companies should try as much as possible to eliminate such inefficiencies. Nivette states that workflow inefficiencies often involve getting caught up in irrelevant details, which can quickly increase expenses without adding real value. By focusing on your core objectives, you can stay focused on what really matters for delivering top-notch results within budget. In the end, managing all of these different variables, so they work together toward a common goal is key to developing software at an efficient cost.

But how do you go about managing costs? According to Jim Nivette, the two steps below can help a business make the most of its budget when implementing new software projects.

Get it right on the tech stack

Nivette argues that, when implementing new software, ensure your company’s tech team uses the right tech stack. According to Nivette, a carefully selected technology stack can help to mitigate the risks and deliver significant cost savings by eliminating performance issues, reducing complexity and maintenance costs, improving time to market, and enabling easier upgrades. In contrast, choosing the wrong technology stack can have damaging consequences that can leave your project riddled with bugs or require substantial rebuilding down the road.

One way that Nivette argues can help in choosing a suitable technology stack is through a decision tree approach. This involves answering key questions related to your project’s needs, constraints, and requirements. For example, if your team is seeking stability in operations over scalability or flexibility, then you may want to prioritize server-side frameworks over front-end ones. Additionally, if speed is paramount for whatever reason – for example, if latency might be an issue for end users or there are regulatory concerns requiring faster delivery – one could favor programming languages that are compile-to-machine code. These include Go or Swift versus those that run interpreted code, such as JavaScript. Other considerations, such as industry trends and ecosystem support availability, should also be considered when deciding on a suitable technology stack for your project. Ultimately, Nivette says, through thoughtful consideration and analysis of all relevant factors, you can find the right technology mix to help you achieve your key project goals while mitigating risks in the development process.

Go for Agile software development

To cut costs, Jim Nivette swears by Agile software development, an iterative and flexible approach to creating software that focuses on rapid iteration and testing. This approach involves breaking down the software creation process into smaller sprints, each involving a series of fast iterations. This allows teams to quickly test out different features and make changes as needed, reducing costs and helping to ensure that the software’s core features are completed efficiently. Additionally, agile development encourages ongoing collaboration between engineers and other team members, allowing for quick feedback and flexibility in responding to changing requirements. Overall, Nivette says, agile is a robust methodology for cutting costs while still delivering high-quality software.

Jim Nivette is a software account executive with more than 20 years of experience. Nivette started his career at Business Objects America back in 1999. Through sheer hard work and determination, he grew to become a highly-rated software account executive, working with some of the largest corporations in the world. He takes pride in having worked with Fortune 100 companies as clients.

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