LOS ANGELES, CA, USA, December 6, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Throughout the year, Hinduism celebrates many unique and grand festivals and observances that raise the collective consciousness of humanity. One of them is Karthigai Deepam, a ten-day celebration, originated in the holy town of Tiruvannamalai, India, the birthplace of The Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam. Karthigai Deepam dates back to at least 8,000 years, making it the oldest recorded festival in history. It is the celebration of One becoming Many and merging back into Oneness.

On this day at the KAILASA Tiruvannamalai, India Aushada Annadhan was offered to millions of people. Aushada Annadhan is where the food itself is Ayurvedic medicine and cures all diseases and disorders. All the food aligns with the Bhaga Shastra – the book on the Hindu way of cooking revealed by Paramashiva Himself – and is prepared in a way that maintains international quality standards. In the 10-day celebration of Karthigai Deepam, Aushada Annadhan has been continuously happening in KAILASA Tiruvannamalai and millions of people have been served to people from all over the world.

Karthigai Deepam is celebrated to mark the appearance of Lord Shiva – the primordial God of Hinduism, the consciousness that is beyond time and space – entering into time and space as an infinite shaft of light. According to Hinduism, it is on this very day, the timeless Paramashiva decided to become many and made Himself available to many to celebrate Himself. Karthigai Deepam is when the Big Bang happened, and when time started from timelessness. According to modern science as well, all that existed before the big bang is a hot plasma similar to a shaft of flame.

This auspicious celebration is very significant for the 2 billion Hindu diaspora worldwide, especially for Shaivites who mainly worship Lord Paramashiva, and with the blessings of The SPH Bhagavan Nithyananda Paramashivam, Karthigai Deepam was celebrated grandly in more than 16,000 KAILASA ecosystems across the globe.

Watch the celebrations here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_XZ2ut3BRU

Visit KAILASA Tiruvannamalai for more updates on Aushada Annadhan and the Karthigai Deepam celebrations

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