Entrepreneurs can’t expect to know everything on day one, so the only option is to
take the leap and start that business even when you don’t feel ready.

You have to be willing to take that leap of faith, but calculated faith.”

— Amanda Ma

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, USA, December 14, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Amanda Ma always admired her dad’s hard work and hustle. As an entrepreneur, he set an example for her of creating his own lifestyle, being able to provide for his family, and also being there for his family. She wanted to follow in his footsteps, and the first business she launched was an event planning agency with a partner. After building their foundation, the two partners realized that their visions had diverged and they had to go through what Amanda calls “a business divorce.” It was a very expensive lesson for her to learn.

Once her next (and current) company, Innovate Marketing Group, got up and running another curveball came at her—the Covid-19 pandemic. As an events agency planning and hosting live events, her business immediately came to a halt. Quickly, she and her team figured out how to run virtual events, and then how to excel at virtual events. Her company went from 0 to 250 virtual events since then. In addition, they came up with Events To Go Kits offering surprise and delight for even virtual events. And now that live events are back, Amanda and her team are able to offer live, virtual, and hybrid events. The business is thriving.

For would-be entrepreneurs, Amanda advises a positive attitude. “You have to be able to take that leap of faith.” You also need a mindset that allows you to think big and go boldly. In addition, read the stories of other successful women, network with other entrepreneurs, find people in the industry you would like to join and find out how they did it. “The more you hear and read their stories, the more it’s like, ‘Hey, that could be me.’ A big hindrance, at least based on my personal experience, is your mindset. Don’t hold yourself back. The sky has no limit.”

Connect with Amanda Ma at her company website, innovatemkg.com, or find her on LinkedIn. You can also find her must-read advice on building a company culture in the new book Inspiring Women Who Boss Up, a collection of interviews with female entrepreneurs that is packed with compelling stories, practical advice, and role models for any woman looking to boss up in her career or life.

About the Women Who Boss Up Book Series

Whether you’ve been bossing up for a while or you’re looking for support on your boss-up journey, the Women Who Boss Up book series is your chance to take inspiration and advice from women just like you. These women come from all backgrounds, all walks of life, and all disciplines—STEM, healthcare, finance, coaching, nonprofits, and much more. You’ll read about women who left Corporate America to pursue their dreams of business ownership, women who faced seemingly insurmountable challenges but learned how to move forward, women who followed their intuition to create lives of fulfillment and financial success, and much more. Learn more at bossupbestseller.com.

Tamira Luc
+1 310-710-8954
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Amanda Ma