ARX Technology and HIT has been found to help prevent dementia in seniors.

SAN DIEGO, CA, USA, December 6, 2022 / — Leo’s Fitness Lab Uses ARX Technology to Fight Dementia in Seniors

ARX Technology and High-Intensity Exercise (known as HIT or High-Intensity Training) has been found to help prevent dementia in seniors.

Leo’s Fitness Lab is known as a gym that offers the newest technology in HIT training. The ARX machines that the gym uses are not only the most effective for high-intensity training, but also are now shown to help prevent dementia in seniors.

The risk for dementia increases with the loss of muscle mass as we age – also referred to as sarcopenia. Sarcopenia sets in because of inactivity, insufficient protein, and loss of strength. A loss of strength allows injuries, which causes more sarcopenia.

A study published in The Journals of Gerontology found that “low skeletal muscle…[is one of the] mechanisms with the most evidence in the association with impaired cognition.”

The ARX machines are the quickest and safest way to see the best results from workouts. These high-tech ultra-modern machines are similar to medical-grade instruments. They use computer-controlled, motorized resistance that matches the force throughout the entire exercise.

This exhausts the muscle much faster than normal exercise. It’s no longer “three sets of ten.” Just one exercise per body part, and that’s it. The ARX technology lessens the amount of time anyone must work out (just 20-25 minutes twice a week!) and significantly increases the effectiveness of the workout.

The ARX machine gives the maximum amount of tension (weight) that one’s body is able to handle second by second. This computer control prevents injuries while maximizing benefits.

Did you know that all muscles are much stronger in the second part of an exercise? Lifting 40 pounds on the way up means being able to resist 30-100% more on the way down. The amount lifted and returned on free weights or regular machines, though, is the same.The ARX computer adds to the “return portion” since we’re stronger in that direction.

According to an article from the ARX site, “[We] cannot achieve the same levels of mechanical tension and loading with weights because [we]’re limited to the amount of weight [we] can lift in the first place, completely missing out on the potential amount of weight [we] could have accommodated on the way down.” This doubles or triples the amount of strength built with each exercise.

Leo’s Fitness Lab has three personal trainers on staff, all certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine, who are experts in providing the most efficient workouts. “Our gym is in the business of helping people become the best version of themselves, and this doesn’t just apply to younger folks,” said Leo Hamel. “We have trained people from 10 to 90 years old. The machines adjust the fitness level moment by moment. We want to provide the training needed to the senior community to keep them not only in great physical health but also in great mental health.”

Media Contact:

Rylee Kahan
Leo’s Fitness Lab
+1 619-299-1500