It’s Good to Say Thank You

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, April 20, 2023/ — Gratitude—a simple word that has always been taught to humankind as early as toddlers. The mere act of receiving even the most minute of treasured objects or gestures is always followed by a thankful heart. However, as time passes, it is easy to forget to say “thank you” in such a fast-paced and transactional world.

Michael Coccari pens a thoughtful memoir on the role of gratitude in his life with “It’s Good to Say Thank You“, his second non-fictional book after Cancer Fight.

“It’s Good to Say Thank You” is more than a non-fictional book. Coccari’s unique presentation of his thankfulness is told by sharing his various notes of gratitude to different people in his life, from thanking a bar owner for letting little Michael stay safe while waiting for the bus to letters dedicated to his family and friends.

Ken Meyers, one of Coccari’s teaching colleagues, gives the book a 5/5 stars. “I was excited to read Michael’s book [It’s Good to Say Thank You] because I was so inspired by his teaching. If I ever needed a moment of teaching inspiration during my 37 years I would drop in and observe any of his classes.”

Other readers who have enjoyed his book have also extended their heartfelt thanks to Coccari for authoring such a thoughtful book.

Haley Rucinski also adds, “This memoir in letter form demonstrates the emotional power of positivity. Author Michael Coccari recounts the events in his life through a series of thank-yous to the people who helped him and shaped him in these moments. Though not every memory is a happy or easy one for Coccari, the words he has for the people who lived life alongside him are always fond, always gentle, always in the best possible terms.”

Indeed, the rather hasty movement of this world could use a little reminder that it’s good to say thank you. With over 30 years of his life spent as a high school teacher, author Michael Coccari is no stranger to dealing with teens through their formative years. He has helped thousands of students develop their talents in writing and explain the life of literary characters in an interesting and inspiring light. Now retired, he continues to be an inspiration by writing books and novels that touch the heart.

Michael Coccari’s book will be exhibited at the LA Times Festival of Books on April 22-23, 2023! Know more about this event by visiting this link and have a fun learning experience celebrating books and beyond.

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