Matt Peters, CEO of Search Manipulator, Featured in Disrupt Magazine

Matt Peters is the CEO of Search Manipulator

Matt Peters, CEO of Search Manipulator, a SEO and online reputation management company was featured in Disrupt Magazine.

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, November 24, 2022 / — Matt Peters is the founder and CEO of Search Manipulator, an online reputation management company that helps customers to take control of their online presence, especially if it has been negatively affected or attacked. Matt Peters was interviewed by Disrupt Magazine about the importance of search engine optimization work as well as online reputation management: highlighting the difference between the two and the importance of how they can aid a person’s business. Matt Peters reviews each client’s online reputation and comes up with a customized strategy rather than putting it through a cookie cutter process.

Matt Peters and Search Manipulator help leverage search results to grow their client’s business and increase its audience through the removal of unflattering reviews as well as promotion of positive content. Matt started Search Manipulator just under 13 years ago with an engineer’s mindset as opposed to a salesperson’s. He and his team are able to effectively navigate the constantly evolving world of search algorithms. Matthew earned his bachelor’s degree in economics from Fordham University and has been featured on Huffington Post, CBS Money Watch, ESPN Radio’s Lunch N Learn, and much more.

Disrupt Magazine is a Puerto Rico based alternative education company built for tomorrow’s thought leaders, innovators and disruptors. They educate and inspire young latino entrepreneurs to become what they want to become in life by learning new skills and leveraging the power of the digital economy. Disrupt Magazine is the #1 educational platform for democratizing access to entrepreneurial education in Puerto Rico. It connects millions of members with some of the world’s most successful and disruptive entrepreneurs.

In his interview with Disrupt Magazine, Matt Peters discusses 4 reasons why everyone should consider the importance of online reputation management:

“1. Search is the primary way people find information about you or your business.
If you’re not appearing in the top results for your name or your business, you’re missing out on a lot of potential customers. In today’s digital age, people rely on search engines to find information about businesses and individuals. If you’re not appearing in the top results, you’re losing out on potential customers. Many studies have been conducted showing the importance of showing up on the first page of search results on Google, and even within the first page, the importance of showing up within the first 3 – 5 results. Search Manipulator can help you improve your online reputation and get you to the top of the search results. We can help you with SEO and online reputation management to make sure that the right information about you or your business is appearing when people search for you online.

2. Search results are often the first impression someone has of you or your business.
When someone searches for you on the internet, the first thing they will see is what comes up in the search results. This is why it is so important to make sure that you have good online reputation management. This means taking care of your online image and making sure that only good things show up when people search for you. You can do this by using Search Manipulator’s SEO services to make sure your website shows up as one of the top results, and by keeping an eye on what people are saying about you online.

3. Search results can impact your ability to get a job, loan, or customers.
If you want to get a job, a loan, or customers, it is important to have a good online reputation. What people find when they search for you online can impact whether or not they decide to do business with you. This is because many people these days use the internet to research things before they make decisions. So if someone searches for your name and all they find is bad news, they might not want to work with you or give you their money. On the other hand, if your online presence is full of good information about what great work you’ve done, people are more likely to trust you and be interested in what you have to offer. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that the first thing someone sees when they Google your name is something positive!

4. Search results can be managed to show the best version of you or your business.
If you want to show the best version of yourself or your business, you can control what shows up in search engine results. Search Manipulator is a company that can help you do this. They are called SEOs, or Search Engine Optimizers. They will help you choose the right keywords to include in your website and online content so that positive things show up higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Online reputation management is important in today’s digital age. Search Manipulator can help you improve your online reputation and make sure that the right information about you or your business is appearing when people search for you online. Search is the primary way people find information about you or your business. Search results are often the first impression someone has of you or your business. Search results can impact your ability to get a job, loan, or customers. Search results can be managed to show the best version of you or your business. Be sure to make the most of search engine optimization opportunities to improve your business and to actively employ online reputation management for both your personal and professional uses.”

To learn more about Matt Peters and services offered by Search Manipulator, please visit

To read the interview in full, please see:

About Matt Peters, CEO of Search Manipulator

Matt Peters is the founder and CEO of Search Manipulator, an online reputation management company that helps customers take control of their online presence. Matt Peters reviews every client’s online presence and develops a customized strategy that will meet their individual needs, rather than applying a cookie cutter approach to client services as many online reputation management or SEO companies do. Matt is well-equipped at navigating the complex landscape of search algorithms and the online world because he applies an engineer’s skillset to the process rather than a salesperson’s. He graduated from Fordham University with a bachelor’s degree in economics. He has appeared on Huffington Post, CBS Money Watch, and ESPN Radio’s Lunch N Learn.

As opposed to the personal reputation of an individual, a person’s online reputation is significantly more expansive and dynamic. Untruthful reviews by a wrathful ex or an upset customer can have significant negative effects on a person’s life or business. Furthermore, up and coming brands or entrepreneurs who have yet to establish an online presence can utilize Search Manipulator’s services to expand their reach and grow their brand.

One of the key features of Search Manipulator’s business model is that Matt has kept the company lean and avoided unnecessary overhead, enabling him to pass savings on to his clients. Search Manipulator aims to provide the best combination of experience, affordable pricing, and innovative techniques. Confident that they will deliver for their clients, they also offer a 30-day money back guarantee.

By means of expert search engine optimization, Search Manipulator elevates positive information about a person or company to the top of search results. Consequently, businesses and individuals are able to promote the online reputation they want. Search Manipulator customizes each client’s plan in order to maximize success based on their unique goals and needs, thereby achieving their goals more quickly and with long-lasting positive results.

Jason Phillips
Market News
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