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Order a Mai Tai with My Drink Order

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My Drink Order for Loud Bars

Another Round order option on My Drink Order app.

Order Another Round Easily

My Drink Order has added the ability to create a custom order.

After waving, screaming and trying to push my way up to the bar, I decided there had to be a better way”

— Scott Bourquin – Host CoolToys TV

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, April 20, 2023/ — The app team at CoolToys TV has added a new feature to the My Drink Order app based on customer feed back. My Drink Order was created after CoolToys TV host Scott Bourquin tried to order a drink in a noisy bar after a long day at work. “After waving, screaming and trying to push my way up to the bar, I decided there had to be a better way”. he says.

After the initial launch, downloads continued to increase on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. While that is a good thing, and even better thing happened according to Scott. The users started asking for new features. The first one on the list was the ability to type in any drink they wanted. Scott has since seen it used as an ice breaker with a user flashing “Need a Drink” at someone across the bar.

With the new speed improvements and color changes, a small “edit” button was added to the top right of the screen. With that button the user can then type in any drink order or message they want. While message size is currently limited on the iPhone, Scott says the auto wrapping mode that works on the Android version in the Google store will be available soon for the iPhone/iOS version on the Apple App Store.

Scott also said there have been several other requests added to the pipeline, so more features will be added soon.

Scott Neal
Early Bum
+1 949-272-0611
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Video Demo of My Drink Order. The CoolToys Approved way to make drink ordering easy!