Search engine optimization

Digital Marketing Pioneer

digital marketing pioneer

Social Marketing Team

travis white social marketing dr

travis white online marketing pioneer

Dominating Search, Email Marketing, and Affiliate Marketing in the 90’s to mid 2000’s.

LOS ANGELES, CA, USA, February 20, 2023 / — Travis White, the visionary behind Loans America, the first-ever SEO company that provided marketing services for the financial industry, has come out of retirement and re-entered the online marketing industry with his company Social Marketing Dr.

White’s contribution to the SEO community began with his experience founding and selling one of the first ISP’s, developing some of the first websites and his relentless street hustle, to help him pursue and hone his skills in hacking, coding, and marketing. These skills served him well as he dedicated 24/7 for two years to become the worlds best at SEO, that help him build Loans America into the go-to SEO company for companies such as Country Wide, Indy Mac, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Lending Tree. “Lending Tree wasn’t getting enough leads so they purchased our leads” says White.

Through extensive research and discovery of search engine optimization, he was able to rank financial websites in the top positions on various search engines such as Yahoo, Hotbot, Excite,, Infoseek, Alta Vista, and Google when it entered the market in 2001. “I first stumbled upon it in the early 90s’ when one day I got several leads in my inbox, yet at the time I was spamming and all my mail servers were down. I check the log files and it was because we were #1 on Yahoo!” says White reflecting on how lucky he was to stumble upon SEO.

White’s contributions to the SEO community were significant, and he was invited to speak at various Search Engine Watch events across the country, after attending his first one and showing the audience his results were better than the current speakers. He was 24 years old and left the conference with $45,000 in checks from attendees paying to spend time with him. Later, his talks on black hat and white hat SEO techniques were highly valued, and he ranked 18 of the top 20 results for financial terms such as home loans, mortgages, financing, and credit cards from the late 90’s to mid 2000’s. His company Loans America was generating 300 leads a day in the early 2000’s.

White sold Loans America in 2003 and retired from online marketing to pursue investing in real estate and travel the world surfing and snowboarding. However, at the request of a friend, he has come back to the industry he helped shape, bringing with him over two decades of experience and innovative strategies.

White’s biggest regret is not realizing he could have raised funds and gone public. He admits to being just a 20-something-year-old kid stoked to be making a few million a year and being able to surf every day. “That was all I every wanted in life was to surf every day, I just happened to find a way to make a lot of money working 1 hour a day, hire all my friends to surf and get rich together” says White. Nonetheless, his return to the industry is highly anticipated, and he is expected to make waves once again with his groundbreaking research, hustle, and innovative strategies.

Travis White
Social Marketing Dr
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