by referring Consumer Defense Law Group after home sells to 3rd Party Highest Bidder at Foreclosure Auction.

COSTA MESA, CA, UNITED STATES, February 27, 2023 / — The Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates has again successfully helped another Los Angeles homeowner with another Trustee Sale Reversal on his property, which sold to a third-party highest bidder.

Mr. Tellez’s property, located at 1706 E 62nd St, Los Angeles, CA, was sold at a Foreclosure Auction and was now at risk of facing eviction until the Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates, a Nonprofit Loss Mitigation Legal Clinic referred him to the Consumer Defense Law Group. With their legal expertise, the Consumer Defense Law Group filed a Wrongful Foreclosure Lawsuit, Case #22STCV10550, in the Superior Court of California.

The Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates is committed to protecting consumers from unfair business practices and advocating for their rights. The organization provides Free assistance to Homeowners facing Mortgage challenges and if needed connects them with trusted legal professionals who can help them with Wrongful Foreclosure Litigation to reverse the Trustee sale and or prosecute their lender for damages.

“We are thrilled to have been able to assist Mr. Tellez in this successful Trustee Sale Reversal,” said Senior Legal Services Director Fernando Leone; an Attorney for 33 years, now with the Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates. “Our mission is to protect consumers from predatory lending and foreclosure practices, and we are proud to have played a role in helping Mr. Tellez keep get his Home back into his name.”

The Consumer Defense Law Group has extensive experience representing homeowners in wrongful foreclosure lawsuits and is dedicated to helping clients fight back against wrongful and or illegal foreclosure practices.

“We are grateful to the Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates for referring Mr. Tellez to our firm,” said CEO and managing Attorney Anthony Cara of the Consumer Defense Law Group. “We are proud to have helped Mr. Tellez fight for his legal rights that resulted in him reversing the Trustee Sale on his home.”

The Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates and the Consumer Defense Law Group are committed to fighting for consumers’ rights and will continue to work together to protect consumers from unfair business practices.

For more information about the Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates, visit their website at For more information about the Consumer Defense Law Group, visit their website at

Contact: Nonprofit Alliance of Consumer Advocates Email: Phone: 855- NACA-HELP

Consumer Defense Law Group Email: Phone: 888-615-6765

J De La Vega
NonProfit Alliance of Consumer Advocates
+1 855-622-2435
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