The Shortish Project, a new home for short novels, a new home for short novels

New service presents 500+ popular short novels, hidden gems by favorite authors, and a program for publishing

SAN FRANCISCO, USA, March 10, 2023 / — The Shortish Project launches new site dedicated to short novels. With a catalogue of over 500 titles, both old and new, provides a special portal for exploring the world of short novels, as well as an open-door publishing program for debut and established authors of short novels.

From early classics to major award-winners to 50+ acclaimed short novels from the past year alone, the wide-ranging Project scours 200 years of publishing, covering multiple styles and genres. Defining “short novels” as 200 pages or less, The Shortish Project brings unique focus to a format explored by authors of every genre, from sci fi to romance to crime to thrillers.

The Shortish Project offers an easy way to find short novels — an under-explored, under-promoted and under-loved format in-the-know readers have always enjoyed. With short novels, readers can quickly dive in and out of new worlds. They’re also an approachable way to test-drive new genres. Authors appreciate short novels for the punch they pack, too.

The Shortish Project is free to use, with a simple search function, shortlists for exploring genres and eras, and multiple purchase options with full descriptions and direct buy links. Users can opt for a free profile too, making saving and sharing easy.

The Shortish Project also offers a new open-door publishing program, available to all styles and genres, offering participating titles in paperback and ebook via Amazon, Barnes & Noble and indie booksellers across the US.

The Shortish Project is a sister project of Outpost19 Books, an award-winning publisher of fine fiction and nonfiction books now in its 10th year, presenting The Shortish Project imprint as a new, distinct program with its own, open editorial standards.

Jon Roemer
The Shortish Project
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