The documentary led by Dr. Sebi’s son Alfredo “Asami” Bowman, Jr. and his wife Sherice NKA Aja take you on a journey of teachable moments of healing practices and remedies and the holistic lifestyles of people around the world who live long healthy lives.

By Marie Y. Lemelle, MBA

The production of the motion picture industry suffered during the global pandemic. However, creativity was hard to suppress, and films were being made around the world. The proof is evident at the 31st Annual Pan African Film & Arts Festival (PAFF) which opened on February 9, 2023.

“We are inspired by the films submitted from all parts of the globe,” said PAFF Executive Director Ayuko Babu who also co-founded PAFF in 1992. “I am proud to continue a legacy founded with my friends the late beloved Ja’Net DuBois and celebrated award-winning Danny Glover to showcase our stories and preserve the cinematic creativity of African Diaspora and Pan African Culture.”

As one of the largest and most prestigious Black film festivals in the U.S., PAFF held in the heart of Los Angeles, an entertainment mecca, attracts an international audience. PAFF, 501 (c) 3 organization, runs through February 20, 2023 at the Cinemark Baldwin Hills and XD located at 4020 Marlton Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90008. “Every year PAFF continues to showcase new high-quality Black films from the U.S., Africa, the Caribbean, South America, Europe, the South Pacific, Canada, and increasingly, Asia,” said Babu. “PAFF is an Oscar-qualifying festival for animation and live-action films.” Tickets to attend PAFF are available at

“A Holistic Journey” Film Producer Marie Y. Lemelle, MBA and Executive Producer and Director Bobby Broome attend the red carpet opening night for Pan African Film & Arts Festival on Feb. 9. The film stars Asami and Aja Bowman. Photo credit: Bobbi Broome

Among the more than 150 films from 40 countries accepted is “A Holistic Journey,” that screens on Sunday, February 12 at 4 pm. The 60-minute film carries on the legacy of Alfredo Darrington Bowman known as Dr. Sebi, a Honduran self-proclaimed herbalist healer, practiced in the United States in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Dr. Sebi set up a treatment center in Honduras where clients including Michael Jackson, Lisa ‘Left Eye’ Lopes, and John Travolta were treated. Dr. Sebi died at 83 in 2016 but his supplements, products and treatments are still popular and widely used.

“We are excited to be accepted in the world-class Pan African Film Festival especially as a first-time entry,” said Bobby Broome who is the director and producer of A Holistic Journey. “The documentary led by Dr. Sebi’s son Alfredo “Asami” Bowman, Jr. and his wife Sherice now known as Aja take you on an adventure and teachable moments of a wide range of healing practices and remedies and the holistic lifestyles of people around the world who live long healthy lives.”

The film, driven by Asami’s and Aja’s curiosity about other alchemists, herbalists, and people who benefit from the study, knowledge and availability of what planet earth naturally provides us to survive and flourish. “This film is educational about our health and wellness,'” said Robin Cole, owner of Arelia Goods Farm. “We are a community inundated with disease and discovering a heathier alternative as opposed to taking chemicals is a smart option.” She is a community advocate and based in Los Angeles.

“Carrying on the legacy of Dr. Sebi means we have the possibility of improving the quality of life for those people who practice natural living by choice or necessity by sharing the knowledge that he acquired and shared during his lifetime,” said Broome. “So many people around the world don’t have access to expensive medical care either because of poverty or geographic location. On the other hand, people with the ability and access to expensive medical care now have the option to live and heal naturally.”

The knowledge of natural living and healing shared by Dr. Sebi and other holistic healers around the world is necessary now more than ever because of current viral conditions of the planet.

Following in the footsteps of his dad, Dr. Sebi, Healer Asami Bowman and his wife Sherice NKA Aja try many of the holistic, practices, foods, plants and herbal compounds that may be different and unusual but effective. Expect to learn about nature and how to heal yourself. Photo credit: Jarrod Maurice Williams.

“Our holistic journey is beyond my wildest dreams. I get to learn and work with Asami (Dr. Sebi’s eldest son),” said Aja. “Asami has a lifetime of learning and experience under his belt. Combined with travel and discovering plants from all over the world, Dr. Sebi curing the uncurbable is a legacy I am proud to continue.”

Asami and Aja experiment with many of the holistic practices, foods, plants and herbal compounds that may be different and unusual but are effective.

“Continuing his legacy is to live the healthy lifestyle that he promoted and to search for new ways to heal existing and whatever new disease may confront our bodies is a blessing,” said Asami. “This holistic journey represents the path that my life has been moving on for the 40 + years I have studied the use of medicinal plants. Together, Aja and I share discoveries about how other people go through the process of maintaining health using old and new methods of holistic treatments.”

For interviews with Hosts Asami or Aja or Director Bobby Broome, send an inquiry to

#drsebi #herbalist #healer #AHolisticJourney #holistic #BobbyBroome #platinumstarpr #PAFFNOW #PanAfricanFilmFestival #films

Marie Lemelle
Platinum Star PR
+1 213-276-7827

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